Health and Wellness: Breast Cancer and Mental Health Awareness

Hello RotaFam,

With October coming to an end and being Breast Cancer and Mental Health Awareness month, I hope that most of you have taken full advantage of the discounts and specials being offered in your country, as well as educational forums on both topics.

The rates of breast cancer diagnoses have not only been increasing annually, but there have been increasing rates of younger diagnoses. If you are over 40 or have a history of breast cancer in your family, please take the step forward to get a mammogram or ultrasound. EARLY DIAGNOSIS IS KEY! Here are some tips to ensure that you get and stay in good physical health (regardless of a diagnosis)Having a healthy diet with fruits and leafy green vegetables and reduced added/refined sugarsQuitting smoking and reducing/eliminating excessive alcohol consumptionGet in at least 150 minutes of exercise or physical activity per weekMaintain a healthy weight for your heightKnow your numbers by getting annual physical exams and speaking with a physician about laboratory results

Mental illnesses can affect people of any age, race, religion, or income. A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, and ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Many factors contribute to the development of a mental health condition, including life experiences (such as trauma or a history of abuse), biological factors, and family history of mental illness.  Here are some ways that you can help with your own mental wellness:Take time out for your own well-being, whether it be 5 minutes or 1 day: Declutter your mind or simply just to organize your thoughts.Talk to someone about your feelings and/or ask for helpGet a good night’s rest. Reducing the use of electronic devices before bed and winding down can aid in improving sleepAccept that we are all different and that there is not one “normal” way to act or feelEngaging in positive activities that you enjoy or brings satisfaction (eg. community service)Eating a healthy diet and staying active to improve your sense of well-being (and can also improve your sleep!)

If you have any questions, concerns, or require assistance in your territory, feel free to contact Health and Wellness Chair Brittany Bain at  LET’S TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES SO THAT WE CAN TAKE CARE OF OUR COMMUNITY!